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Oracle order: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to add or edit Oracle order information in Snow License Manager.

Order information

On the Order information tab, enter information about the order, such as order date, order number, and vendor name.

Field labelDescription
Order dateThe order date. (Required)
StatusThe status of the order. (Required)
When registering a new order, select Valid.
When upgrading or migrating an order, select Terminated to highlight that the order is no longer valid. This is done to ensure traceability since historical orders should still be available in the system.
Order nameThe order name. (Required)
Oracle order numberThe order number. (Required)
Oracle Master Agreement (OMA), Oracle License and Services Agreement (OLSA) referenceThe reference to the agreement. (Required)
Reseller order numberThe reseller order number.
Internal reference numberThe internal reference number, if any.
CurrencyThe currency of the order. (Required)
Area of useThe area or purpose for which the products in the order are to be used.
DescriptionAny additional information related to the order that might be useful.
Organisation (Ordered by)The organization node that the order belongs to. (Required)
Contact name (Ordered by)The name of the person who placed the order. (Required)
E-mail address (Ordered by)The email address of the person who placed the order. (Required)
Phone (Ordered by)The phone number of the person who placed the order.
Name (Vendor/contractor)The name of the vendor to which the order was placed.
Address (Vendor/contractor)The address of the vendor to which the order was placed.
Contact (Vendor/contractor)The name of the vendor contact person through who the order was placed.
E-mail address (Vendor/contractor)The email address of the vendor contact person through who the order was placed.
Phone (Vendor/contractor)The telephone number of the vendor contact person through who the order was placed.
Custom field nameCustom fields are created in Snow License Manager for data that needs to be managed but does not have a pre-defined entry, see Custom fields.


On the Products tab, enter information about the associated licenses for each Oracle product included in the order.

Field labelDescription
Product categoryThe product category that the product belongs to: Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware, or Oracle Java. (Required)
Product typeThe product type that the product belongs to. (Required)
Available product types depend on the selected product category.
ProductThe product that this entry concerns. (Required)
Available products depend on the selected product category and product type.
TypeThe type specifies if this entry concerns a new order, an upgrade, or a migration of metrics. (Required)
Select Normal for a new order.
Select Upgrade when upgrading from an earlier version or upgrading to another edition.
Select Migration when changing metrics.
Note: The currently used metrics are Named User Plus and Processor. For older products, there are other metrics. When upgrading a database with old metrics, you need to migrate the metrics to the currently used metrics.
Period typeThe license period type, for example, Perpetual. (Required)
License typeThe license type, for example, Full use or Application Specific. (Required)
See Oracle license types for a description of the available license types.
MetricThe metric used for the license, for example, Named User Plus or Processor. (Required)
QuantityThe number of purchased licenses. (Required)
License costThe cost of the purchased licenses.
CSIThe Customer Support Identifier number.
AgreementThe agreement number that the order is attached to.
The box to the right of the agreement list shows the support and upgrade cost for the agreement, normally 22% of the purchase price.
Custom field nameCustom fields are created in SAM Core for data that needs to be managed but does not have a pre-defined entry, see Custom fields.