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Manage Oracle verified data

Learn how to manage data on the Oracle verified data tab to download data on your environment that is accepted by Oracle as verified data.

View computers with verified data

  1. On the Oracle verified data tab, go to the Computers with complete verified data view.

    The table shows all inventoried computers for which verified data can be prepared and downloaded.

  2. Select the arrow to the left of the computer name to expand the table row and see detailed information.

    In the expanded view, the data is shown in separate tables for Databases, Middleware, and Java, respectively. See Oracle verified data tab: Reference for descriptions of the content of the respective table.

  • You can filter the table to only show inventoried Databases, Middleware, or Java, respectively.

  • You can filter the table to only show items with empty values for the properties Assigned Database license, Environment, and/or Metric.

The filters are available via dropdown lists above the table.

Prepare and download Oracle verified data

To download a file containing data on your environment that is accepted by Oracle as verified data, follow the steps below.


The following items cannot be included in the output file:

  • Computers listed in the Computers with incomplete verified data table. See Resolve issues for computers with incomplete data for instructions on how to enable them to be included in the file.

  • Databases lacking information on the Assigned database license, Metric, or Environment properties, and Java or Middleware installations lacking information on the Environment property.

    The missing data must be added before those computers can be included in the output file, see Edit data for instructions on how to add the data.

  1. On the Oracle verified data tab, go to the Computers with complete verified data view.

  2. Select the checkboxes for the items you want to include in the output file, and then select Prepare file.

    Tip: If you want to include all the items in the table, you can select Actions and then Select all.

    The data for the selected items is extracted. If many items are selected, the process may take some time. When all data is extracted, the Download file button is enabled.

  3. Select Download file.

    The output file with Oracle verified data is downloaded as a ZIP file.

We strongly advise that you check the contents of the output file before sharing it with third parties.

Edit data

You can edit the records in the Computers with complete verified data table with regards to the following properties:

  • General property: Environment

  • Database-specific properties: Assigned database license, Metric

  • Java-specific properties: Machine type, Used with OCI, Part of other product, Support required, OTN, BCL, NFTC, BLRA


Edited values only affect the records in the Oracle verified data view, with the exception of the Environment property for Database instances. In this case, the value will be permanently stored, which means that other views in the user interface will display the same Environment value for the Database instance.

To add or edit data:

  1. On the Oracle verified data tab, go to the Computers with complete verified data view.

  2. In the table, select the checkboxes for one or more items you want to edit.

  3. Select Actions and then Edit.

  4. In the Edit properties window, select the fields you want to edit, edit the data, and then select Save.

    For field descriptions, see Oracle verified data tab: Reference.


If you want to edit one single row in the table, you can select the Edit icon in the Edit column of the row to go directly to the Edit properties window.

Reset data

You can reset edited records to their original value.

  • You cannot reset the Environment property for Database instances. To change edited environment values for Database instances, use the Edit function instead.

  • All edited and resettable values for all Database, Middleware, and Java instances will be reset when you use the reset function, whether you have selected them in the table or not.

  1. On the Oracle verified data tab, go to the Computers with complete verified data view.

  2. Select the checkbox for at least one item in the table.

  3. Select Actions and then Reset.

Resolve issues for computers with incomplete data

Computers with incomplete data cannot be included in the output file with Oracle verified data. To resolve issues for a computer and make the data complete:

  1. On the Oracle verified data tab, go to the Computers with incomplete verified data view.

  2. For each issue listed in the table for a specific computer, follow the recommended actions described in the Recommendations column.

    When all the issues have been resolved, the computer will be moved to the Computers with complete verified data table and it can be included in the output file.