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Overview Products tab

Use the Oracle products tab in the Enterprise > Oracle overview section of Snow License Manager to gain visibility of the license compliance for your Oracle products and see an overview of your Oracle licenses and associated costs.


You can choose between two different views on the Overview Products tab:

On the Compliance summary view you can see the compliance for your entire Oracle estate, as well as broken down by product type or product.

On the Order summary view you can see the number of Oracle licenses per product, and your Oracle licenses costs per organization.

Select the view you want to see from the Select view list.

On each view the information is presented in three sections:

  • Key figures give a quick status overview in numbers.

  • Charts visualize certain aspects of the license compliance or cost status.

  • Insights highlight areas of potential spend-optimization opportunities, for example unassigned licenses that may represent unnecessary spend. For each area, the potential optimization is shown, together with a link to a report with more detailed information.

See the Characteristics section below for descriptions on all key figures and charts.


You can refer to the tables below for descriptions of the key figures and charts on the Overview Products tab. Note that the key figures and charts depend on whether you have selected Compliance summary or Order summary from the Select view list.

Compliance summary view: Key figures

The key figures give a quick overview of the compliance status for your Oracle estate. The figures depend on the selected chart:

  • When the Compliance by product type chart is shown, the figures show the compliance for all Oracle products in your estate.

  • When the Compliance by product chart is shown, the figures show the compliance for all Oracle products within the selected product type.

Key figureDescription
Total licenses countThe total number of licenses. The total licenses count is calculated from data transferred from the OMO portal.
Assigned licensesThe number of licenses that have been correctly assigned.
Unassigned licensesThe number of licenses that have not been assigned.
Over-assigned licensesThe number of licenses that have been assigned in surplus of the correctly assigned licenses.
Required quantityThe number of licenses required to be compliant.

Compliance summary view: Charts

Use the charts to get insights into different aspects of your license compliancy status.

License summary: Compliance by product typeShows the license compliance broken down by product type.
To see the chart, select License summary to the left of the chart and in the Filter list, set Data group to Product type.
License summary: Compliance by productShows the license compliance for a selected product type broken down by product.
To see the chart, select License summary to the left of the chart and in the Filter list, set Data group to Product.
Compliance trendShows the license compliance trend for a selected product and date range.
To see the chart, select Compliance trend to the left of the chart.

Order summary view: Key figures

The key figures give a quick overview of your Oracle licenses costs. The figures depend on the product type and metric selected from the Filter list.

Key figureDescription
Total licenses costThe total amount spent on license purchases.
Total maintenance costThe total amount spent on first-year maintenance.
Cost of assigned licensesThe amount spent on license purchases for assigned licenses.
Cost of unassigned licensesThe amount spent on license purchases for licenses that are still unassigned.

Order summary view: Charts

Use the charts to get insights into different aspects of your Oracle licenses costs.

Number of purchased Oracle licenses per productShows the number of assigned and unassigned licenses for a selected product type broken down by product.
To see the chart, in the Filter list, set Data group to Ordered licenses.
Oracle orders licenses cost by organizationShows the total licenses cost for a selected product type broken down by organization.
To see the chart, in the Filter list, set Data group to Cost.