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Auto assignment of Oracle licenses

Instead of manually assigning Oracle licenses to your products, you can use the auto-assignment function.


You can use the default auto-assignment rule or configure your own rules. The default rule assigns licenses where the License Type is Full Use and the metric is Processor.

When run, auto assignment analyses the need for licenses to cover incompliant environments. Environments are virtual machines, physical servers, and datacenters. When an incompliant environment is discovered, auto assignment finds out whether there is need to license all of its products. If there is an adequate amount of licenses—entered via Oracle orders—to cover all products for an environment, auto assign will cover that environment; otherwise, that environment will be skipped by auto assignment and will be retried the next time auto assignment runs.

For example, if there is need for auto assign to cover four required licenses for a product that is installed on an environment, but only three licenses exist, the environment will not have licenses auto assigned to it. The next time auto assignment runs, the process will be retried.

To enable auto-assignment with the default rule, see Auto-assign Oracle licenses. To configure your own rules, see Configure rules for auto-assigning Oracle licenses.

The auto assignment process

When enabled, auto assignment is scheduled to occur once every day at 06:00 a.m. When user-defined rules are active, you can also trigger the process manually by selecting Trigger the auto assignment process now.

The auto assignment process consists of the following steps:

  1. Auto assignment analyses the environments to see where licenses are needed.

  2. If any user-defined rules are active, auto assignment will fill those license requirements first. This means that licenses where the License Type is Full Use and the metric is NUP will be covered first.

    When those licenses are covered, auto assignment continues:

  3. Auto assignment covers the licenses where the License Type is Full Use and the metric is Processor.

    If user-defined rules do not completely cover license requirements due to an insufficient number of licenses for the selected metric, the default rule will be applied instead.

  • When auto assign is enabled, the default rule will execute even if no user-defined rules are active.

  • Hard partitioning environments (IBM LPAR) with licenses manually assigned to one or more levels will not be included in the auto assignment process.