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Products tab

The Products tab in the Enterprise > Oracle overview section of Snow License Manager shows the Oracle Databases, Oracle Fusion Middleware, and Java installations in your environment.


To view the details of an Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware product, or a grouping of Java installations, select it from the list on the left of the Products tab. An overview with summary information about the selected item will appear in the view pane.

To see more detailed information about the selected item, select Go to to the right of the selected name. You will then be directed to the detailed view of the Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware, or Java installations grouping.

Oracle Database edition detailed view

Reach the page by selecting the applicable Oracle Database edition from the list on the left of the Products tab, and then selecting Go to. The page shows all inventoried databases, instances, servers, and registered orders associated with a specific Oracle Database edition.

The information on the page is presented on four tabs:

DatabasesThe tab lists all inventoried and discovered databases that are using this Oracle Database edition. For each database, information is shown, such as the name, the number of installed and used options, and the number of granted and agreed management packs. You can filter the list of databases by Options, Management packs, or Versions.
To view detailed information on a specific database, select the database row to go to the Oracle database detailed view.
InstancesThe tab lists all inventoried and discovered instances that are using this Oracle Database edition. You can filter the list of instances by OptionsManagement packs, or Versions.
To view detailed information on a specific instance, select the instance row to go to the Instance tab of the Oracle database detailed view.
ServersThe tab lists the servers that this Oracle Database edition is installed on. For each server, information is shown, such as the name, model, OS, number of processor and processor cores, and if it is a virtual server or not.
To view detailed information on a specific server, select the server row to go to the Computers detail view in the Computers category of the user interface.
OrdersThe tab lists all orders associated with this Oracle Database edition. For each order, information is shown, such as the order number, license type, and metric.
You can add a new order by selecting Add Oracle order in the upper-right corner of the page, see Add an Oracle order.
To view detailed information for a specific order, select the order row to go to the Oracle order detailed view.

Oracle database detailed view

The Oracle database detailed view shows detailed information on an inventoried database. You can reach the page from the Products tab by selecting the applicable Oracle Database edition, selecting Go to, and then selecting the specific database row.

The left area of the view shows information about the server that the database is installed on. The database information is presented on tabs as described in the table below.

To edit information about the database, select Edit databases in the upper right area of the Oracle database detail view.

UsersThe tab shows a list of the database users.
Options usedThe tab shows a list of Oracle options, presented with name, owner, and if the option is installed, and used.
Information on option usage along with the owner information is important from a license point of view since there is a fee for most used options.
An option is marked as used or not, based on the results of a number of queries. To see details, expand the option row by selecting the arrow to the left of the option name in the list. The queries are gathered in groups. Expand each group to see the included queries, the resulting values, and whether each query is triggered or not. All queries within a group must be triggered for the group to be triggered. At least one group must be triggered for the option to be marked as used.
It is possible to manually change the values in the Installed and Used columns. This can be useful when the results from the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner need to be adjusted. The manually changed values will be displayed in reports.
To manually change the values, select Edit database in the upper right area of the Oracle database detail view, and, on the Options view, select or clear the Installed and Used check boxes for one or more options.
When one or more values for an option have been manually changed, this is indicated in the Changes column. A manually changed value can be reverted to the original value.
Management packs agreedThe tab shows a list of granted Oracle Management packs, presented by name, if it is agreed, by whom, and when.
Agreed column: The information if the Management pack is agreed is important from a license point of view, since there is a fee for most agreed Management packs. If usage of the Management pack is agreed by a user, the User column shows the username of that user.
User column: The Oracle Management Option also detects usage of features that requires a Management Pack to be licensed. These will be illustrated by the User column containing one of the following:
It is possible to change the values in the Granted and Agreed columns manually. This can be useful when the results from the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner need to be adjusted. The manually changed values will be displayed in reports.
To manually change the values, select Edit database in the upper right area of the page and, on the Management packs view, select or clear the Granted and Agreed check boxes for one or more management packs.
When one or more values for a management pack have been manually changed, this is indicated in the Changes column. A manually changed value can be reverted to the original value.
Feature usageThe tab shows information on usage.
The information is collected and shown when available. The more recent Oracle version, the more feature usage information is available.
Note: Feature usage information can be used as guidance, but it is not valid as basis for licensing requirements. Instead, use the information in the Options and Management packs tabs.
InstancesThe tab shows all installed instances that are using this database.

Oracle Fusion Middleware detailed view

The Oracle Fusion Middleware detailed view shows all installations, servers, and orders related to your Oracle Fusion Middleware. You can reach the page from the Products tab by selecting the applicable product from the Middleware section, and then select Go to.

The information on the page is presented on tabs:

InstallationsThe tab lists all installations of the selected Oracle Fusion Middleware product. For each installation, information is shown, such as the name, version, hostname, and home path. You can filter the list of installations by Versions.
To view detailed information for a specific installation, select the installation row.
ServersThe tab lists all the servers that this Oracle Fusion Middleware product is installed on. For each server, information is shown, such as the name, model, OS, number of processor and processor cores, and if it is a virtual server or not.
To view detailed information on a specific server, select the server row to go to the Computers detail view in the Computers category of the user interface.
OrdersThe tab lists all orders associated with this Oracle Fusion Middleware product. For each order, information is shown, such as the order number, license type, and metric.
You can add a new order by selecting Add Oracle order in the upper-right corner of the page, see Add an Oracle order.
To view detailed information for a specific order, select the order row to go to the Oracle order detailed view.

Oracle Java installations view

The Oracle Java installations view shows details about detected Java installations. You can reach the page from the Products tab by selecting a grouping in the Java section, and then selecting Go to.

The available groupings, depending on the detected installations, are:

  • Oracle Java SE on server (DC), not licensable and licensable, respectively

  • Oracle Java SE on desktop (EUC), not licensable and licensable, respectively

  • OpenJDK on both server and desktop

The information on the page is presented on tabs:

InstallationsThe tab lists all detected installations for the selected grouping. The list can be filtered to show installations for a specific estate type (only applicable for DC), a certain branch of the organization, or one or more specific major Java versions.
For DC installations, all DCC:s, virtual machines, and physical hosts with the detected installations are listed. Select the arrow on the left side of a row to drill down and display the components of the DCC, virtual machine, or physical host. Continue to drill down to the lowest level to see a list of the installations, including the full Java version and commercial features, if any.
For EUC installations, all desktops with the detected installations are listed, including information on the total number of users for the desktop. Select the arrow on the left side of a row to display a list of the installations, including the full Java version and commercial features, if any.
For OpenJDK installations, the list shows both servers and desktops.
OrdersThe tab shows the Oracle orders associated with the Oracle Java installations.