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SAP overview

The SAP overview shows information provided by the Snow Optimizer for SAP Software. The information can be either automatically imported from file via the Web Configurator, or manually imported from file using the SAP import wizard in the Import data view.

  • The SAP overview is only available if the setting SAP_ENABLED has been set, and if the logged in user has the required permission to view the information. System settings and permissions are set in Snow MACC.

  • All information on the SAP overview page is read-only.
    The user will be notified when the imported SAP data is more than 90 days old.

Top 5 license type recommendation

The top section of the SAP overview shows a Top 5 metric recommendation graph. Information on the current count of used metrics is displayed together with the count recommended by the Snow Optimizer for SAP Software. The graph shows the metrics with the largest absolute difference in current and recommended count.

To view more details in the All SAP user accounts report:

  • Click View report in the top right corner.

User summary

The User summary shows information based on the import file.


AccountsLicensable usersAverage accounts per licensable user
Number of identified user accountsNumber of licensable users after user account consolidation by the Snow Optimizer for SAP SoftwareAverage number of user accounts per licensable user

Detailed information

The bottom section of SAP overview contains detailed information on the utilization of SAP software. The information is presented in tabs according to the following table.

SystemsThe number of users of each identified SAP system software. Information is based on the import file and is view-only.
ApplicationsThe number of installations and users for each identified SAP software based on information in Snow License Manager. Only applications with installations or users will be displayed. Click an application to open the application details.
LicensesInformation on each license purchase of SAP software registered in Snow License Manager. Only licenses attached to an application will be displayed. Click a license to open the license details.
AgreementsInformation on each SAP agreement registered in Snow License Manager. The agreement will be displayed in the list if either one or more SAP licenses are attached to the agreement, or information in the Contractor field contains “SAP”. Click an agreement to open the agreement details.