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Edit mobile device

  1. On the Computers menu, click List all mobile devices or Search for mobile devices and find one or more mobile devices to be edited.

  2. To edit one mobile device:

    1. Click the mobile device row.
      The Mobile device detail view appears.

    2. On the context menu, click Edit mobile device.

  3. To edit several mobile devices at the same time:

    1. Select the mobile devices.

    2. Click Edit mobile devices on the context menu.
      The Multiple mobile devices editing view appears.

  4. Edit the information in the fields on the tabs according to the following sections.

  5. Click Save.

General tab

To enter information on the General tab:

  1. Enter information on Purchase date, Purchase price, currency, Vendor and Invoice reference. Note that currency may vary and does not have to correspond to the default viewing currency.

  2. Select mobile device Status from the list:

    • Active - The mobile device is active in the system and will require licenses for installed applications.

    • Quarantined - The mobile device is placed in quarantine, but will still require licenses for its installed applications. If automatic quarantine management is activated (in Snow MACC) the mobile device will automatically be placed in quarantine and removed from the system when it stops reporting inventory data.

    • Inactive - The mobile device is not active in the system (when in storage for example) and does not require licenses for its installed applications. The mobile device is not included in compliance calculations.
      When an inactive mobile device starts reporting inventory data again, the status will change to active. However, if you have enabled the Disable automatic quarantine management setting for the mobile device, the status remains inactive and an alert is generated.

  3. Select Organization node that this mobile device belongs to from the list.

  4. In the Security code box, type any anti-theft label on the mobile device.

  5. To disable auto connect rules, select the Disable auto editing check box.

  6. To prevent the mobile device from being placed in quarantine status or removed from the system if it stops reporting inventory data, select the Disable automatic quarantine management check box.

Agreements tab

On the Agreements tab, select one or more check boxes to attach the mobile device to one or more agreements.

If the correct agreement is not available in the list, it has to be created.

Custom information tab

On the Custom information tab, enter information and values in the custom fields that are available for the Computer/mobile device category.

For more information, see Enter custom field information.

Identified files tab

The Identified files tab shows all identified inventoried application files on the mobile device. No changes can be made on this tab.

Documents tab

On the Documents tab, click Add document to upload documents or add links related to the mobile device.

For more information, see Manage documents and links.