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Generate a Microsoft CIDC

The Clean Inventory Data Contract (CIDC) is an Excel file that consists of a set of tabs; on the first tab definitions and instructions are provided by Microsoft of how to handle the file, while the tabs that follow are intended to be completed with inventory data related to Microsoft products.

In Snow License Manager it is possible to export inventory data to pre-populate the Microsoft CIDC as an initial step for generating a CIDC. After the bulk part has been pre-populated, some additional manual input is required to verify and complete the CIDC.

Export of CIDCs requires a specific Report Security permission, which is set in Snow MACC.

Export a CIDC

  • The CIDC must be in .xlsx format and is only available for export.

  • The CIDC can only be generated in English.

  • Export date will be automatically added to the CIDC file name.

To export a CIDC:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Reports.

  2. Expand the Microsoft report group or search for the report by typing search criteria in the Find report box.

  3. Click the Download Download2.jpg icon to export the Clean Inventory Data Contract (CIDC) – Excel export only.

    The Export to file dialog box appears. Name and Type is automatically set and cannot be changed.

  4. To more easily identify the export file, type a Description.

  5. Click Save.

Open the CIDC

  1. In the Reports view and on the context menu, click Report files.

    All exported Report files are listed.

  2. Find the CIDC in the list and click the Download Download2.jpg icon.

  3. Select to open the report, or to save the report to disk.

Verify and complete

The CIDC is populated with data from Snow License Manager, given that the requested information is stored in the database.

Any errors in the file are indicated by a red background and the prefix [ERR:…].

Columns with values that need to be verified are indicated by a yellow background.

Columns destined for information that is not stored in Snow License Manager will be left empty, and need to be completed manually, if mandatory. In some cases, a default value will be set instead. The sections that follow describe these columns and values, and what actions the SAM administrator needs to take to complete the file.


To correct and complete the CIDC, use the information provided in the WorkSpace Domain Data – Definition Document that can be found on the WorkSpace website.

A - Hardware and Operating Systems


The operating system Install Date is set to the installation date of the Snow client in the CIDC file.

ColumnDefault valueAction
Server Farm NameUnknownNeeds to be set if applicable.
Physical Machine Fully Qualified Name[name of physical machine]
- or –
<Unknown host>
Only computer name is retrieved from Snow License Manager. If a FQDN is required, it has to be completed manually.
In case the name of a VM’s physical host is missing (i.e. no inventory data of the host in SLM), <Unknown host> will be set.
Installation Media ChannelUnknownData needs to be manually entered.
OEM install confirmed via BIOSNoData needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
License Quantity Required1Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
Active SA Quantity Required0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
License Program Group AssignedUnknownData needs to be manually entered.
License Model AssignedDeviceData needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
Environment TypeProductionData needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
External Connector Licensing Required0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
License Mobility Flag0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.

B - Client and Server Applications


In case the application Install Date is missing, it will be set to 1980-01-01 00:00:00 in the CIDC file.

ColumnDefault valueAction
License Quantity Required0 (no license required)
- or –
1 (license required)
Based on application settings in Snow License Manager.
Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
Active SA Quantity Required0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
License Program Group AssignedUnknownData needs to be manually entered.
License Model AssignedOne of the following:
User Access
Device Access
The following mappings of metric and license model will be made:
  • Total users -> User
  • Total devices -> Device
  • Concurrent user -> User Access
  • Concurrent devices -> Device Access
  • Installations -> Device
Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
Environment TypeProductionData needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
External Connector Licensing Required0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.

C - Access Licensing

No information is retrieved from Snow License Manager. Instead, information needs to be manually collected and entered.

D - User Subscription

No information is retrieved from Snow License Manager. Instead, information needs to be manually collected and entered.

E - Virtual Machine Movement History


This sheet displays movement history of virtual machines. Virtual machines that have never been moved will not show up here.

F - SQL Server Instance

ColumnDefault valueAction
License Quantity Required0 (no license required)
- or –
1 (license required)
Based on application settings in Snow License Manager.
Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
Active SA Quantity Required0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
License Program Group AssignedUnknownData needs to be manually entered.
License Model AssignedOne of the following:
User Access
Device Access
The following mappings of metric and license model will be made:
  • Total users -> User
  • Total devices -> Device
  • Concurrent user -> User Access
  • Concurrent devices -> Device Access
  • Installations -> Device
Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
Environment TypeProductionData needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.
External Connector Licensing Required0Data needs to be verified and corrected if necessary.

G - General Information

Information that cannot be retrieved from Snow License Manager is indicated by an empty column and a yellow background. Information in these columns needs to be manually entered.