Add license purchase
Correct registration of license purchases is important to achieve accurate compliance statements from Snow License Manager.
To make the registration of a license purchase complete, Snow License Manager requires certain information to be entered, such as application, number of licenses, and metric. There may also be a license policy defined by the system administrator, making more fields mandatory.
To add a new license purchase:
Perform one of the following steps:
Navigate to the application, and then click Add application license on the context menu.
On the Licenses menu, click Add License.
The Add license view appears. If the license is added as an application license, the correct application is pre-selected on the Purchase tab.
Enter information in the fields on the tabs according to the following sections.
Click Save.
For more information on how to copy a license, see Copy license purchase.
Purchase tab
Use the Purchase tab to enter information on the license purchase.
Enter Date of purchase.
Select the Legal organization that is the owner of the license from the list.
Only one legal organization can be selected for each license purchase (normally the top level of the organization).
With auto allocation enabled, licenses will be allocated from selected organization level and downwards.
Type the Purchase price and select currency from the list.
The currency does not have to correspond with the default viewing currency.
New currencies are added in Snow MACC.
Type an Invoice reference.
To select the Application that the license purchase applies to (if not already selected):
Click the Search
The Find application dialog box appears.
Select to search by application name or SKU.
Type a search criterion, and then click Search.
Select application in the displayed list and then click OK.
When applicable, select Stock-keeping unit (SKU) from the list.
If the license is part of an Agreement, perform the following steps:
Click the Search
The Select agreement dialog box appears.
Select to search by Agreement name or Agreement number.
By default, the list shows all agreements that have a period matching the license purchase date, as well as agreements that have the option Include in searches where license purchase date is outside of active period selected. To also search among other agreements, select Include agreements inactive on purchase date.
Type a search criterion, and then click Search.
Select the Agreement from the list, and then click OK.
The agreement period is displayed to the right of the Agreement text box.
If the agreement is not available, it could be for one of the following reasons:
The license purchase date is not within an agreement period, and the option Include in searches where license purchase date is outside of active period is not selected for the agreement. Select Include agreements inactive on purchase date to search also among agreements that have not yet started or agreements that have expired.
The agreement has not yet been created.
In the Quantity box, type the number of licenses included in the purchase.
The box is only editable for new and incomplete licenses.
Select Metric from the list.
If the metric is Installations or Users, select Assignment type from the list.
Depending on selected assignment type, assignments to an Organization, Computer/datacenter, User, or Site must be made on the Assignment tab. If no assignments are made for a metric that requires assignment, the license will be shown as unassigned and these licenses will not be considered in compliance calculations. For more information on assignment types, see Assignment types.
If the license is purchased with downgrade rights, select the Downgrade rights check box.
If the license is an upgrade license, select the Upgrade license check box. When selected, the additional tab Base licenses will appear.
If the license allows for coverage of applications within the family (same version) and with the same or lower edition, select the Cross edition rights check box.
If the license allows for coverage of applications within the family (same version) and with the same edition, regardless of the operating system they are installed on, select the Cross platform rights check box.
If the license is a subscription license, select the License has a subscription period check box, and then enter a subscription period using the From and To calendar views.
Maintenance and support tab
Use the Maintenance and support tab to register any maintenance and support periods and costs for this license.
If a license purchase is both part of an agreement and has a SKU with application upgrade rights, both the According to agreement and Use upgrade rights according to SKU will be available as options. However, only one option can be selected.
Information on Period from and Period to is required, or the license purchase will be registered as incomplete.
Add period and upgrade rights manually
Click Add period.
A row with input fields is added to the table.
Select dates from the Period from and Period to calendars.
Use the Invoice reference and Notes textboxes for reference and comments (optional).
If the license includes application upgrade rights, select Yes from the Upgrade rights list.
Optionally, use the Support cost and Maintenance cost textboxes to specify the current costs.
Use period and upgrade rights from an existing agreement
Select the According to agreement option.
One or several rows with input fields are added to the table, where dates for Period from and Period to are fetched from the agreement together with any application Upgrade rights.
Use the Invoice reference and Notes textboxes for reference and comments (optional).
If the agreement includes no application upgrade rights but the license purchase does, select Yes from the Upgrade rights list.
Optionally, use the Support cost and Maintenance cost textboxes to specify the current costs.
Use upgrade rights from SKU
Select the Use upgrade rights according to SKU option and click Add period.
A row with input fields is added to the table where application Upgrade rights are fetched from the SKU.
Select dates from the Period from and Period to calendars.
Use the Invoice reference and Notes textboxes for reference and comments (optional).
Optionally, use the Support cost and Maintenance cost textboxes to specify the current costs.
Assignment tab
Depending on the selected assignment type for the license, assignments to an Organization, Computer/datacenter, User, or Site must be made. The assignment type is selected on the Purchase tab. The assignment types are defined in Assignment types.
Assignment type: Organization
When adding a license, you have the option to enable automatic allocation or to manually allocate licenses. To have the licenses automatically allocated at each compliance calculation, and based on the actual needs in the organization, select the Auto allocate check box. To manually allocate the licenses, clear the Auto allocate check box.
To enable that the Auto allocate check box is enabled by default, configure the user settings on the Settings tab.
To select Automatic allocation for the license purchase:
Select the Auto allocate check box.
Optionally, select Disable auto allocation after first calculation to have the licenses allocated only once and then keep that allocation.
To select Manual allocation for the license purchase:
Clear the Auto allocate check box.
Select one organization node at a time from the list and click OK.
The legal organization level is always added as default.
Click Add to add the organization node.
Type the Quantity of licenses allocated to each organization node.
Assignment type: Computer/datacenter
To assign the purchased licenses to one or more computers:
Click Add.
A search dialog box appears.
To search for a computer/datacenter:
Optionally, type search criteria.
Optionally, click More options and select the check boxes to filter the search, according to the following table.
noteThe starting point for the search function is to find all machines with the application installed to which the license can be assigned to, based on the use rights selected for the license. The use rights that are taken into account are downgrade rights, upgrade rights, cross platform rights and cross edition rights. To refine the search result, add filter options to the search.
Filter option Description Physical Shows all physical machines with the application installed and all physical machines hosting a virtual machine with the application installed. Virtual Shows all virtual machines with the application installed. Datacenter / Cluster Shows all datacenters or clusters hosting physical or virtual machines with the application installed. Show only machines hosting VMs with the application installed Shows all physical machines, datacenters, and clusters hosting virtual machines with the application installed. Show only machines hosting VMs with application family installed Shows all datacenters, clusters, and physical machines hosting virtual machines with the application or an application from the same application family installed. Show only machines requiring a license Shows all machines* with the application installed, which are not compliant and require a license.
* Physical machines, physical machines hosting a virtual machine, and datacenters or clusters hosting physical or virtual machinesIgnore use rights Shows all datacenters, clusters, and physical and virtual machines.
Use this option to find and assign a license to a machine where the application is not yet installed.EXAMPLE
A user wants to find all physical machines with the application installed that is currently not covered by a license. The machines should host virtual machines. To find the physical machines, the user selects the following filter options:
Show only machines hosting VMs with the application installed
Show only machines requiring a license
A user wants to find all datacenters that hosts at least one virtual machines with the application installed that is currently not covered by a license. To find the datacenters, the user selects the following filter options:
Show only machines hosting VMs with the application installed
Show only machines requiring a license
A user wants to find all virtual machines with the application installed that is currently not covered by a license. To find the virtual machines, the user selects the following filter options:
Show only machines requiring a license
A user wants to find all virtual machine where the application is not yet installed. To find the virtual machines, the user selects the following filter options:
Ignore use rights
Click Search.
In the search result list, use the check boxes to select computers, and then click Add.
For each computer, type number of Assigned licenses.
The number of Total licenses, Total assigned and Total remaining is changed according to the number of Assigned licenses.
For licenses with VM use rights, set the VM use rights for the host with virtual instances:
Click Change.
The VM use rights dialog box appears.
Click the option that meets the license purchase conditions.
Click outside the VM use rights dialog box to close it.
VM use rights are now set for Unlimited or Any (number) virtual instances.
To override the Unlimited or Any (number) setting and assign VM use rights to specific virtual instances:
Click the VM use rights cell of the host computer.
A dialog box appears.
Optionally, filter the list of virtual instances.
Use the check boxes to select the virtual instances to be assigned with a license.
Click OK.
For more information on VM use rights, see VM use rights.
Assignment type: User
If you don't know the exact Username or Full name of the user, you must use "%" as a wild card character in the search.
Example: To find the user "John Doe" with the username "johndoe" in the domain "SWE", you can search for username SWE\john%, SWE\johndoe, or %johndoe%.
Type search criteria for the Username or Full name and/or select an Organization from the list, and then click Search.
The result of the search appears in Search results.
In Search results, select the user to whom the license should be attached, and then click Add.
The selected user is moved to Current grants.
To remove an assigned user, select the user in Current grants, and then click Remove.
The selected user is removed from Current grants.
Assignment type: Site
A site license can only be assigned to one specified site and the quantity of a site license is always "1".
To assign a purchased site license:
Click the list, and then select the organization node representing the site.
Click OK, and then click Add.
In Quantity, type 1.
Information tab
Use the Information tab to add additional information on the license purchase. Information entered on the Information tab can be used as search criteria in lists, searches, and reports using the Column selector.
Type an External ID (external for SLM) for the license, for example purchase order ID, or system ID.
noteWhen the basic setting LICENSE_EXTID_CHECK is enabled in Snow MACC, this value can be used to avoid duplicate license purchase records when performing bulk imports.
Enter a vendor in the Vendor box.
Type information on License proof location.
Type information on Installation media storage.
Type Serial numbers/license keys connected to the license purchase.
Use the Notes textbox for comments.
Documents tab
On the Documents tab, click Add document to upload documents or add links related to the license.
For more information, see Manage documents and links.
Custom information tab
On the Custom information tab, enter information and values in the custom fields that are mandatory for the License category.
For more information, see Enter custom field information.
Base licenses tab
The Base licenses tab is only available if the Upgrade license check box on the Purchase tab is selected.
To add a base license:
Select Add.
The Search for license dialog box appears.
Enter a search criteria, and then click Search.
Use the check boxes to select one or more base licenses, and then click OK.
In Base licenses to upgrade, enter the number of base licenses to upgrade.
In Upgrade quantity, enter the quantity of upgrade licenses that you are entitled to.
You have registered a license where the metric is installations. You want to upgrade one of the licenses to a higher version that uses the processor metric. For the base license, you enter 1, and for the upgrade quantity you enter 2.
If the number of base licenses available for upgrade is not enough, the license purchase will be marked as incomplete when saved.