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Data Update Job

Data Update Job is a daily recurring Microsoft SQL Server batch job that is used for transferring, transforming, and normalizing new and updated Snow Inventory data to Snow License Manager. By default, Data Update Job starts at 09:00 PM.

While Data Update Job runs, users are able to access and work with inventory assets, for example, computers and users. If a specific page or area is momentarily being processed by Data Update Job, it will temporarily be unavailable. Users who try to access such a page or area will see a page informing them that their data is temporarily unavailable.

The main reason for restricting access to a page or area is to prevent inconsistent data from being presented and to prevent users from making critical business decisions based on incomplete data.

Data Update Job keeps track of what is being processed, and will both lock and unlock areas of Snow License Manager when they are unavailable and available, respectively. When Data Update Job runs, reports can be the most locked-down part of Snow License Manager due to the fact that report data is often collated from many different parts of Snow License Manager.

To show the status for the Data Update Job:

  • Select Data Update Job status on the Tool bar.

    The Data Update Job status window appears.


A user account with adequate permissions to access Snow Management and Configuration Console can change the time when Data Update Job automatically runs. For more information on this, see Snow Management and Configuration Center.