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SaaS overview

Use the SaaS overview pages in Snow License Manager to find optimization opportunities for your SaaS subscriptions.


The SaaS overview provides an overview of which SaaS (Software as a Service) service providers are being used in your organization, by which users and how much they are using them. The information is imported from the respective service provider via Snow Integration Connector for SaaS.

Select a SaaS service provider to explore details for the provider, and then select a subscription to explore more details for the specific subscription type.

To populate the SaaS overview pages with data you need inventory sources, and to get correct statistics and insights you must add cost periods to the subscriptions. See Prerequisites for SaaS overview for more information.


The statistics are presented in charts and tables on the respective tabs.


Charts present an overview of the metrics for the selected tab.

SaaS overviewTotal user accountsShows the total number of SaaS user accounts over the last 12 months.
SaaS overviewTotal monthly costShows the cost for the SaaS subscriptions over the last 12 months.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription]Total user accountsShows the number of user accounts over the last 12 months divided into those with and those without login activity.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription]Total monthly costShows the cost for the subscription over the last 12 months.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription / connector - subscription type]Total user accountsShows the number of user accounts for the selected subscription over the last 12 months divided into those with and those without login activity.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription / connector - subscription type]Total monthly costShows the cost for the selected subscription over the last 12 months.
Below the chart a breakdown into costs for user accounts with and without login activity is presented for the last two months and as accumulated total cost.


Tables present a breakdown into important metrics for the selected tab.

SaaS overviewTotal user accountsSaaS provider overview shows all SaaS user accounts per provider since the last import and how many user accounts that have login activity.
SaaS overviewTotal monthly costSaaS service providers shows the SaaS service providers and the associated costs since the latest import.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription]Total user accountsAll subscriptions shows all subscriptions for this provider since the last import, total amount of user accounts and how many user accounts that have login activity.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription]Total monthly costSaaS service providers shows the connectors for this provider and the associated costs since the latest import with a breakdown into user account login activity.
SaaS overview / [provider - subscription / connector - subscription type]Total user accountsAll user accounts for this subscription shows a list of users in this subscription and their login activity.
Definition of User account login activity:
  • Last 7 days: The user has been active during the last 7 days.
  • Last 30 days: The user has been active during the last 8 to 30 days.
  • Last 90 days: The user has been active during the last 31 to 90 days.
  • Last 180 days: The user has been active during the last 91 to 180 days.
  • Last 365 days: The user has been active during the last 181 to 365 days.