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Action log

The Action log view shows information on changes in the system, for example added or removed licenses, deleted items, or other critical changes.

The following table shows examples of changes that are logged. The changes are grouped by category in the table. Note that the table does not show all changes that are logged.

CategoryLogged change
AgreementsAgreement or sub-agreement was deleted.
Deletion of an agreement or sub-agreement failed.
Agreement was added through an MLS import.
Agreement was deleted, added, or updated, or failed to be deleted through an MLS import.
Agreement was attached to master agreement.
Agreement was detached from master agreement.
ApplicationsDenylist criteria was added or deleted. 
Allowlist criteria was added or deleted.
Allowlist automation rule for installations was changed or inactivated.
Allowlist automation rule for users was changed or inactivated.
Allowlist automation rule for licensed applications was activated or inactivated.
Allowlist automation rule for automatically denylisting non-allowlisted applications was activated or inactivated.
Clean Inventory Data Contract (CIDC)CIDC was added, changed or deleted. 
CIDC period was deleted or manually activated.
All data for a CIDC was deleted.
All data for a CIDC was deleted in Snow Inventory.
All data for a CIDC was preserved for X days.
All data for a CIDC was restored.
ComputersComputer could be archived.
Computer failed to be archived.
Computer was deleted from archive.
Computer was set to inactive.
Datacenter/cluster was deleted.
Computer metadata was imported.
Custom fieldsCustom field for compare value was deleted.
Custom field was deleted.
Custom field value was deleted.
DevicesDevice was deleted.
Multiple devices were deleted.
Documents, licenses, and objectsDocument was deleted.
License was moved.
Notification was deleted.
Object property or type was deleted.
Oracle order was added or deleted.
Users and settingsOrganization import was completed.
System setting was set to default, changed, or changed from default.
All system settings were set to default.